Rules for students
- Attendance: A minimum of 80% of attendance is required for a student to appear in the final examination and promotion to next higher class.
- Punctuality: All students should reach the school on time and attend the assembly regularly. Late comers are not allowed to enter class.
- Code of Conduct: Strict, regular, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech, good conduct, refinement of manners, cleanliness of dress and person are expected from each pupil.
- Personal belongings: All students are expected to take good care of their books and personal belongings. These should be marked distinctly with the owner’s name, class address. Students are strictly forbidden from wearing gold ornaments. The school holds no responsibility for loss of articles, money, cloths and ornaments.
- Identity card: All students are required to display the identity card every day.
- School Calendar: Students are required to carry the school calendar every day to school.
We solicit the full co-operation and active support from the parents to fully realize the objective of the school.
- Please read and help your ward understand the content of the calendar. In case of any doubt, you may personally clear the same with the class teacher.
- Ensure that the calendar is carried to the school by the ward on all working days.
- Check the calendar each day for entries from the school.
- Ensure that your ward takes his/her breakfast and leaves in time to reach school in time.
- Adhere to prescribed uniform, cleanliness and personal hygiene of your ward.
- Application of transfer certificate is to be made at least ten days in advance. Transfer certificate will be issued only on clearance of all dues.
- Duplicate copy of transfer certificate will be issued except for exceptional cases. Production of an affidavit will be necessary for the issue of duplicate transfer certificate.