Admission Procedure

(A) Period of admission

 Regular admission starts in the month of January every year.

(B)  Age Limit

The child must have a minimum age of 3 years, 4years and 5 years on 1st June of the year in which admission is sought for that is Fundamental I, Fundamental II and Fundamental III respectively.

School Fees

Periodicity: The school fees will be collected in three termly instalments as per the following programme.

Sr. NoFees for the month ofPayable by
a June, July, August & Sept  10th June
bOct, Nov, Dec & Jan10th October
ca)  Feb, March, April & May                   10th February
  • Fees should be paid at I.O.B Zuarinagar Branch.
  • In case of new students, the fees for the month of May June will be payable on the date of admission.
  • Fees are payable for all 12 months of the year irrespective of the vacation period. Parents have the option to deposit the fees for the whole year in advance.
  • A fine of Rs.5/- per day will be charged as late fee from the 16th of the month.
  • If the payments being done in the banks, it is mandatory to provide ‘School Copy Receipt’ to the school office.